On Saturday, May 27, 2006, I went on a rafting trip on the Cheat Canyon in West Virginia with my friends from the CS dept at Pitt.  Here are the photos from one part of that trip.

Here we are in the middle of one of the Class V rapids on the Cheat.  I think they called this one "The Big Nasty." 

From the back of the raft in clockwise order:  Brent (our Cheat River guide), Shenoda, Christina, Peter, PJ, me, Lory, and Panickos.

I must say, our raft (of all the rafts on our trip) probably had the best paddling synchronousness.  Go computer scientists! 

Alright, maybe not the whole time...  is our boat going under?


Not if we can help it!! 

Brent:  "All Forward!!.... Back Left!!!"  (We practiced these commands in the initial calm waters...)

Powering into a drop-off...


Going in...

Will we make it???

A great big splash!!

And we come out the other side, as fueled as ever, in sync again!!

Made it through The Big Nasty, feeling pretty good about ourselves...

Watching and waiting for the other boats to see if they have the same success...

We went on to tackle a number of other rapids throughout the day, with long periods of peaceful floating in between.  Due to the skill of our guide and our superior paddling teamwork, only one person fell out of our raft the entire time!  (It was me.)